Showing 6 Result(s)

How to get (back) into Balance: Some TIPS

I usually find “Balance” a difficult word, quite frankly. Because often, in life you have very little balance. And IF you DO have balance, you will have lost it before you know it! It dissipates. It slips between your fingers… Often the balance-related terms are thrown at us with the speed of light: meditate, take …

Love yourself myself more introvert

How to Love Yourself More

Are you happy with yourself just as you are? Can you honestly say to yourself: “Hey, you’re okay – you’re enough and I love you“? It is so incredibly easy to blame, criticise or even hate yourself at times. Being nice to yourself is not so self-evident… and we are often a LOT stricter to …

Discipline does not exist here's why

Discipline Does NOT Exist – Here’s why!

Ok so I’m gonna be a bit of a Devil’s Advocate here: a LOT of people will NOT agree with me on this. But please, before you judge, hear me out on this one? Because there’s a philosophy behind this. Alright, so here goes. I do believe that discipline does NOT exist. But let me …